The project
About us
On this page, we would like to introduce you to the team members of the LIFE IP GrassBirdHabitats. GrassBirdHabitats is managed by multiple so-called beneficiaries. The coordinating beneficiary is the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection of Lower Saxony (MU). It has commissioned its subordinate authority Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal and Nature Protection Agency (NLWKN) to implement the project.
Project Management & Coordinating Beneficiary
Heinrich Belting
Project management
Nature Conservation Station Dümmer
Am Ochsenmoor 52
49448 Hüde
+49 5443 20468-12
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Jürgen Ludwig
Project management
Nature Conservation Station Unterelbe
Alte Hafenstraße 2
21729 Freiburg/Elbe
+49 4779 92681-11
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Dr. Stefan Heitefuss
Coordinating beneficiary
Department 62 – Natura 2000, Protected Areas
Archivstraße 2
30169 Hannover
+49 511 120-3531
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Project team
Below you will find all members of our project team. Get an overview of who is involved and feel free to contact us personally.
The beneficiaries are responsible for different project actions. Click on the abbreviations below to find out more about what each of them does in this project.
NLWKN team
NLPV team
RUG team
Dr. Ruth Howison
Coordination, spatial ecology of migratory birds as sentinels for sustainable agriculture
Currently on sick leave
FRL team
Coming soon.