
News blog

What's new?

Our news blog offers insights into the latest advancements and activities that are related to the project.

The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) recently published its 28th Artenschutzbrief, a magazine reporting about up-to-date information on current…

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A project-related study that has been published in Ardea, a peer-reviewed scientific journal, investigated the impact of intensified predator control…

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Last year, more than 200 breeding pairs of the rare Black-tailed Godwit nested in the Dümmer marsh, and the species is still present in the Boller…

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Corinna Langebrake, our newest team member, started working at the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park Administration (NLPV) last month. Her main…

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This year’s arrival of the first Black-tailed Godwit at Lake Dümmer

Last week marked an early surprise as the first Black-tailed Godwit reached Lake Dümmer after spending the last few months in its wintering grounds.…

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Project workshop on agriculture and meadow bird conservation

Exchange between Frisian and Lower Saxon partners in Workum

In order to learn from the respective working practices of the project partners, members of the NLWKN GrassBirdHabitats team visited their project…

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The Meadow Bird Man

Dutch blog "Weidevogelman" for meadow bird awareness

Since the beginning of 2022, a team of Collectief Súdwestkust is working with a local journalist to publish a column called “Weidevogelman”. With this…

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New web presence

The reworked project website launched today

The new website for the LIFE Integrated Project GrassBirdHabitats launched today. It features a more detailed description of the project and the…

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Bird migration is not always straightforward

If you don't succeed at first, try again later

Within the scope of the LIFE IP GrassBirdHabitats, 24 new Black-tailed Godwits were tagged with GPS transmitters in 2023. One of them is the female…

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Current status of meadow birds in Germany

New horizon scanning survey published

The decline of wet grassland breeding bird populations across Europe, and Germany more specifically, continues unabated. In an effort to address this…

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Like a needle in a haystack

Unveiling the hidden homes of rare Snipes

Our recently released press information depicts an exceptional conservation initiative focused on the Common Snipe. Ornithologists from various…

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Are migratory routes inherited?

New findings on Black-tailed Godwit migration

Migratory birds fly southwards in autumn to spend the winter in warmer regions. To get there, the birds use different migratory routes. Most…

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Results booklet on the LIFE project Meadow Birds published

Ten years of nature conservation work on 28 pages

Our precursor project LIFE Meadow Birds is coming to an end. Currently, the last measures in the project areas Butjadingen and Dümmer are being…

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