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TV report on the Oste estuary

Site managers Hilger Lemke and Jan-Henrik Junge talk about the local bird life

Together with his colleague from the Nature Conservation Station Unterelbe, Jan-Henrik Junge, Hilger Lemke – site manager for northern Lower Saxony in the LIFE IP GrassBirdHabitats – was accompanied by a film crew from the North German Broadcasting (NDR) format Nordseereport to present their work. NDR was looking for nature conservation experts who are familiar with the Elbe estuary and its tributary Oste, and introduce the visitors to the unique characteristics of the local flora and fauna for the documentary.

The two experts presented their work and the surrounding nature on the dyke under unexpectedly cold June temperatures and a biting wind. “The weather and light conditions were perfect and the meadow birds were lively and vocal. Perfectly staged to be captured with the telephoto lens of the NDR camera”, recounts Hilger Lemke this exciting moment.

The entire report “Adventures at the Oste – ferries, bike tours and river trips with North Sea flair” can be viewed online in German with subtitles at the following link: Nordseereport ( (The link leads directly to the part with our colleagues Hilger Lemke and Jan-Henrik Junge, starting at the 20th minute.)

A German article with impressive pictures from the filming can be found on the NLWKN blog of the Nature Conservation Stations: In front of the camera…

5 people are standing on the left of the picture, two of them are carrying camera equipment. In front of the group is a spotting scope. The people are talking to each other, while a wide green area and a cloudy sky can be seen in the background.
Filming on the dyke at the Oste estuary. Photo: L. Hindriks/NLWKN
Two people walk away from the camera. They are walking along a dyke with their backs to the camera.
Hilger Lemke and Jan-Henrik Junge walk along the dyke. Photo: L. Hindriks/NLWKN