Things are not going well for the Whinchat as a breeding bird in Lower Saxony. Across almost its entire distribution area, populations are declining drastically and, accordingly, so is the populated area. In view of this situation, the State Agency for Bird Conservation at NLWKN would like to give impulses and suggestions at an information event to further promote Whinchat protection in Lower Saxony through regional projects.
In cooperation with the Chamber of Agriculture of Lower Saxony appropriate financing options are available within the funding guidelines “Maintenance and Development of Biological Diversity (BiolV)” and “Meadow Bird Protection Grassland (WieVoSch)”. The districts can apply for corresponding funding projects for Whinchat protection that start from 2025 during the current BiolV application period from 16 October to 30 November 2023.
The afternoon of the event is dedicated to presenting and exchanging experiences on Whinchat protection activities that have already been implemented, to which we cordially invite you to report on previous measures in your district.
This event is over. Outcome:
It became clear that there is still a great need for exchange and action with regard to Whinchat conservation, as the species has so far received rather little attention in meadow bird conservation compared to the shorebirds, although it has the highest decline rates of all meadow bird species. A need for further research into the exact causes of decline was noted. Also, there is still a need for advice on the funding via BiolV and WieVoSch for the districts' nature conservation authorities and the Ecological Stations.
You can find the event's agenda and presentations below (both in German).