This excursion on 20 April at the Großes Meer will provide information about Lapwing protection in East Frisia. The first breeding pairs of Lapwings are expected. Experience has shown that many other meadow birds and ducks also visit the area at this time of the year, which can be observed and identified together using the spotting scopes provided. Background information on the areas and water level management will also be provided. The meeting point is the Groß Sande farm.
The excursion will take around two hours. In the event of bad weather, the excursion may be cancelled at short notice.
Participation in the excursion is free of charge. Due to limited capacities, registration is required by e-mail to Felix Närmann at Felix.Naermannnlwkn.niedersachsende or phone: 04954 / 95492-15.
This event is over.
Event date:
Event start:
2:00 pm
Hof Groß Sande – Landwirtschaft Gloger
Marscher Weg 33
26624 Südbrookmerland