

28.02.2025 | Joure

Meadow Bird Knowlegde Day

Sharing and experiencing knowledge

Together with various partners, the Province of Fryslân is hosting a Meadow Bird Knowledge Day in the Netherlands. The agenda includes two presentations about the Black-tailed Godwit and three sub-sessions on topics that the participants can choose. Project member Helene de Jong will talk about meadow bird policy and the LIFE IP GrassBirdHabitats in one of the sub-sessions.

The event is held in Dutch.

You can find more information and the agenda below. Registration is now open here.

Event date:

Event start: 28.02.2025, 9:00 am
End of event: 28.02.2025, 3:30 pm


Vegelinsweg 20
8501 BA Joure
The Netherlands

Map view: